Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everything in its time

Only 7,000 more words to go on the "filling" out the novel before it's submission ready.  I had planned to devote this upcoming week to getting it done and getting it out to the publishers, but life has already gotten in the way--in a good way.  I got myself a thing called "a job."  I will be working in the marketing department at a non profit organization.  My strong writing background sealed the job for me.  I will start out part time and grow as the job does.  They are creating the position for me, and as more things get handed to me, the more I will work. 

Hopefully the part time work will still give me a chance to write and somehow keep up with my house and my family. The timing is actually really good, and I am up for it all.  Let the juggling begin! 

I'll let you know how things are going with the book.  I'm setting little goals for myself, so I won't forget about it.  This (staying at home and writing like a madwoman) is still what my dream job is...


  1. Congrats on the new job. And now the juggling begins!

  2. Congratulations! Elyse

  3. What a fortunate thing to be offered a job in this economy! Congratulations to you. I have every confidence that you will be able to meet all of your obligations in a way that does them justice and brings credit to you. All the best.
