Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getting Started...

Indulging a not so secret passion, I've decided to try my hand at a "What if?" novel based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, which has been one of my favorite books for over a decade. Don't get me started on the different adaptations, I will save that for another post...

Novels are new to me, as I'm mainly a script writer. I freelanced for a children's radio program and had one of my episodes turned into an animated DVD. I have since turned my attention to TV and feature film writing, but couldn't resist the siren call of this particular venue of fan fiction. The freedom of being able to describe a character's thoughts and feelings without the use of a narrator or an inner monologue is so refreshing! I'm still having to remind myself to let loose describing locations, people, sights and smells. (Oh, and writing in past tense is taking some getting used to...)

So, I started the still unnamed "What if?" last night and have two very thin first chapters. My "what if" starts the day after the Netherfield Ball, and just after the "universally charmed" Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth. In summary: What if Mr. Darcy breaks his ankle getting thrown from a horse, is aided by Elizabeth, and the occupants of Netherfield never leave for London as planned to keep Bingley away from Jane? What if Miss Darcy comes to Netherfield to be with her brother during his recovery and she and Lizzy become fast friends? What if a huge misunderstanding between Darcy and Elizabeth causes Lizzy to flee to London with the Gardiners? What if Darcy follows her there?

And then, I'm out. Stay tuned... and please forgive me, Jane. :0)

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